It simply allows you to give extra commands to the AI.
All-in-One Command Menu (Deluxe) - This is NOT an AI enhancement mod.
Advanced AI Command (Multilingual Support) - Same mod as above but supports more languages. Provides intuitive interface for commanders. Advanced AI Command - Control AI groups via the map. if units outrank you, you can salute them and they will return a salute to you. Salute Module - Any AI whom are friendly to you, will salute you when they are not in combat. That means no more killing guys by shooting their feet or elbows. RealisticHitReaction - This mod balances out the damage detection for units and players. Krytec Civilian AI - Add enhancements to AI in the Civilian faction. Ghost Recon´s Prone Camo - Adds camo prone from ground, to your unit, and ai cannot see you while you are in adjusted prone position. Captive Your Enemies - In case unit flees from the battlefield and at the same time is suppressed by fire, he stops moving, drops its weapon and surrenders. units with silencers, player's group getting in a vehicle.
Bug of automatic standing up after assuming a prone position with the launcher. Bug Fix by Ibragim - Recognition of the mine owner.Automatically Make Units Switchable - Automatically make units in the player's group playable.Arma 3 invisible AI targets - Allows the mission creator to place a BLUFOR invisible target object, which OPFOR soldiers will open fire on when they come across it.AI avoids prone - Prevents the AI hitting the dirt when encountering hostile forces or reacting to events they will either crouch or do something else, but should not go prone by themselves.